Garages tend to be one of those places in a home that become a dumping ground for all manner of things. This may not be intentional, as sometimes it can just happen over time, especially if you have done some renovation work. The thing is, an organised and tidy Garage can add important usable space to your home. There are probably lots of homes out there that have smart new garage doors in Manchester or anywhere else for that matter that when open they are full of clutter. So, we thought we’d have a look at some of the things you can do to make sure your garage reaches its maximum potential.
Settle on its Function
The first thing to do is to decide what your garage is going to be primarily used for. Is it to house a car or motorcycle or as storage for excess household items. Maybe you are looking for somewhere for tools or gardening implements, or maybe you would like to turn it into a gym or home office space. Always try to define clearly what the purpose of your garage is going to be and organise it appropriately. That way you can be sure you will end up with an organised space that is an important and useful part of your home.
Begin Organising
Once you decide what items you want to keep similarities will begin to emerge. This will allow you to group objects into categories such as DIY, Garden and household goods. Make sure you give each category a section of it’s own in your garage starting with priority items. After this you can put everything else in as long as there is space.
Make the Most of Your Walls
Once you start organising your garage storage will obviously play an important part. You can work out what you need such as extra shelving, a workbench or maybe hooks. It could be that you require jars or small containers for things such as screws and other tiny DIY items. Try your best to keep things off the floor wherever possible by making full use of the wall space which could even include the back of the garage doors. Things like wall mounted drawers and racks are great for storage and help you keep items organised and your floor space as clear as possible.
Wherever Possible Keep the Floor Clear
Moving items into and out of a garage with ease is the best way to keep it tidy and organized. By their very nature a lot of items stored in garage can be awkward and bulky, making it difficult to move them when necessary will undoubtedly lead to it becoming cluttered once more. This is one of the main reasons why keeping your floor clear should be a priority. Not only will it make room for your car, but it will help keep your garage a much safer space. This is especially true if you have items you need to lift off the wall such as lawnmowers and bicycles. Having a clear floor will allow you to move around safely and make your garage a more aesthetically pleasing space.
Don’t Forget the Ceiling
Storing items up near the ceiling will help keep the floor clear and help make the most of the space of the garage space you have available. There are lots of different storage solutions on the market that will allow you to keep things such as bicycles and storage boxes above your head.
In conclusion there are lots of relatively inexpensive things you can do to keep your garage neat and make it a usable and important part of any home.